In your application, add a link to your Canny feedback site. Put the link somewhere it's easy to find.
<a data-canny-link href="">
Give feedback
Note that the data-canny-link attribute is very important, otherwise user authentication will not work.

Install our JavaScript SDK to identify your users. This way, when they leave feedback on Canny, it'll be tied to their existing user account in your application.
Use the following code in your application wherever the user is logged in, and might click on a link to Canny. You'll have to modify it to pass in the current user's data.
To find your appID, log in above. You'll see your appID pre‑filled in the code snippet.
<!-- Download Canny SDK -->
<script>!function(w,d,i,s){function l(){if(!d.getElementById(i)){var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],e=d.createElement(s);e.type="text/javascript",e.async=!0,e.src="",f.parentNode.insertBefore(e,f)}}if("function"!=typeof w.Canny){var c=function(){c.q.push(arguments)};c.q=[],w.Canny=c,"complete"===d.readyState?l():w.attachEvent?w.attachEvent("onload",l):w.addEventListener("load",l,!1)}}(window,document,"canny-jssdk","script");</script>
<!-- Use the Canny SDK to identify the current user of your website -->
Canny('identify', {
user: {
// Replace these values with the current user's data
// These fields are optional, but recommended:
avatarURL: user.avatarURL,
created: new Date(user.created).toISOString(),
Note that Canny Identify won't identify admins. When you're testing, use a non-admin account.
This step is optional, but strongly recommended. It provides a better experience for your users, and more valuable context for your team.